~ P00K3
This blog was formed to interact with players of the online game or teens "OurWorld." This blog will have many tips,codes, and news that are focused on the standpoints of OurWorld and also it will include contest, prizes, and other fun filled activities. Viewers of this blog can subscribe to e-mails each month/week depending on what is requested. E-mail FrozenTear2468@gmail.com for further information. P00K3 takes viewers e-mails with gratitude and pleasure.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Featured 2/24/13-3/01/13
MaryBad2TheBone is the winner of this weeks featuring. Good Job! I go through all of OurWorld citizens and see which person looks cool and has a great attitude and profile. Then I pop them a message and see if I have their permission to add them to the blog. Sometimes if requests are made I also check people's profiles and view there credibility.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Most Wanted Items on OurWorld
~ Here are some popular/most wanted OurWorld Items ~
(Want more details? Contact P00K3)
June 2011 Cheek Marks
October 2009 Vamp Teeth
Cirque Mystery Box Item: Ring Master Shirt (Comes in Male and Female)
Sad Cloud and Happy Cloud (Not Sure what year/month created) And my Version.
Heart Halos.
Octobr 2009 Halloween Item: Monster Fur Boots
Fu Lion Claws
Webbing Thigh Highs
Crystal Flake Wings
Pirate Cur Boots
Zoe's Club
Zoe’s club is for Premium members only, who have been residents of ourWorld for over a year. Once you’ve met this requirement, a new payment feature will appear, called Zoe’s Club. It cost $20.00 a month but is well worth the money. Here are some advantages to being in the club:
- 500 Gems a month (MORE GEMS THAN BEFORE)
- Free Marketplace! (No listing fees – save gems)
- Platinum Star Marker (distinguish yourself with a silver star by your name)
- 100% Flow Boost (permanent flow boost, even when grouped)
- Bigger Groups! (make a group of up to 8 of your closest friends)
- Zoe’s Exclusive Shop (get access to the newest and most super rare shop of them all)
Here’s what the invite looks like! You’ll get it in your ourWorld inbox if you’re eligible:
Friday, February 22, 2013
Saint Patrick's Day 2013 Items
~ Saint Patrick's Day 2013 Items ~
Male "Your Lucky Day" Shoes
Male "Your Lucky Day" Shirt
Male "Your Lucky Day" Pants
Your Lucky Day Shades
Grumpy Leprechaun Plush
Female "Your Lucky Day" Dress
Female "Your Lucky Day" Shoes
Gems can be a real hassle to earn, especially when the gem system is being stupid and you do not receive your gems. I suggest using Google Chrome as your web browser, for a start. Also, I suggest to go to about 25-30 seconds of the video and then close the video because when using Google Chrome, I have learned that the gems still process very quickly. You might have to use a few refreshes to get the gems but it is all worth it. Unless the video stops when the browser indicates you have gone to another browser, this logical process works. The big offers rarely work, and I really don't suggest doing them, because of the risk of giving out personal information. I wouldn't suggest ever using fake information, because that could lead to legal issues. Easiest way of getting gems is buying them. You can buy them at $6 for 100 gems and $20 for 200 gems. The pricing chart is also listed in the photograph below.
~ P00K3
~ P00K3
Crew Tip
I have learned that it really doesn't matter how many people are currently in your crew as long as they have 3-5 stars. Low amount if stars can really jeopardize your "Guaranteed Full Elevator" Crew. It may seem harsh to kick someone out, but unless they make further arrangements as to a time frame in which they will raise there status, you will have to sadly give them the boot. Since the fact is, they have not bothered to check their stars and tried to keep there status in crew. You need committed people. But don't worry, they can always re-join and keep in contact with you.
~ P00K3
~ P00K3
Want your character to get featured? Then just send a quick e-mail to FrozenTear2468@gmail.com with the subject "Featuring" and I will see what I can do. No guarantees are given that you are going to be featured but I will try my best.
~ P00K3
Question: What do you think of my character? Comment below.
~ P00K3
Question: What do you think of my character? Comment below.
Join OurWorld
~ Join me on OurWorld ~
* P00K3 *
OurWorld.com is a virtual world that incorporates social networking and gaming. Users can post a profile and communicate with other users. Users can create an avatar, a “condo” for the avatar to live in, and play games. The tagline reads “Play Games. Meet People. Look Good.” Registration for the site is free. You simply go the site, click on “play” then choose a male or female avatar to begin.
March 2013 Item Update
~ Hello ~
These are the new items that will be coming out March, 2013.
* Items wil be able to be bought in sets, individualized by color, or bought individually *
~ The Male and Female sets are the same, just clarifying ~

First Post
Welcome to the Ourworld Blog, create by P00K3. This blog was formed to help OurWorld Citizens get a sense of the game and have a feeling of the players. But most importantly, this was to become a very social blog with people interacting and socializing. If you would like, please subrscirbe to weekly e-mails. (Sign up is at the bottom of the webpage) This would be evru helpful. Monthly gem codes and Facebook codes will all be available. New releases of items, and boxes will be available to view. Also, trading tips and most commen hackers/spammers/scammers will be listed (for protection and knowledge) Oh, and dont forget to visit ourworldessence.blogpost.com It is P00K3's official crew website.
~ P00K3
Comments? Questions? Feedback? Contact me on OurWorld or e-mail me at FrozenTear2468@gmail.com (No spam, insta-block)
~ P00K3
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